Friday, January 1, 2010


it's not so much a new year's resolution. i have given up on that. i wanted will to be potty trained by the age of three. he was three last month. and he has yet to even look at the potty. let alone sit on it. we got a potty for each bathroom. about a year ago. and they have been sitting there ever since. wishful thinking. as you may remember the sippy cups have gotten more action on the potty than will. i have an old classmate that has potty trained five boys. five. she always took each of her boys to the store to pick out their very own potty. i thought this idea was grand. even though i already had picked some up. at sales. but i was willing to fork over some more money. we have been talking the potty up for what seems like years. talking about going on the big potty. and getting to wear big boy underwear. with cars on them. i also mentioned going to the store. to pick out his very own potty. i was happy to see he got excited when i mentioned it. i explained that they even have one that looks and sounds like a big truck. he could barely contain his excitement. so he starts to tell me that we are going to go to the store. and ride in a cart. and pick out a potty. and then we can just leave it there. damn. so close. but no cigar. we even got him a dvd on going potty. he loves dvds. not this one. he refuses to even look at the dvd box. even after i finally got the effing thing unwrapped. i even tried to bribe him with the m & m thing. which certainly didn't work. he doesn't even know what an m & m is. because he has never even had candy. of any kind. and that leads us to the other day. sophie has been sitting on the potty for months. she hasn't gone in it yet. but she asks to go on it. and sits on it. and uses toilet paper. and then runs around the house naked. i really think that is the only reason she goes on the potty. to streak. anway, the other day sophie was on the potty. and will walks in. i thought this would be the day. he actually got within two feet of the potty. and just when i thought he was walking over to sit on it - even with his clothes on. i didn't care - he reaches for the insert. pulls it up to his face. and pretends to drink from it. like it's lord stanley's cup. and he just won game seven. of the final. well, at least he touched it.

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