Sunday, July 25, 2010

engaging conversation

we had some neighbors over last weekend [the ones we like] and one of them brought up how their now son-in-law asked for their daughter's hand in marriage. it made me chuckle because it was funny. and it made me remember this story. when i met my husband before he was my husband i lived in grand rapids. and he lived in midland. i guess i had to move away to find someone in midland. anyway, he had a ring made and before he proposed to me he thought he would take it over to my parents' house and show them. now, my husband's name is jeremy. but everyone calls him jay. one night he called my parents' house. my dad answered. my now husband told him it was jeremy and was explaining to my dad that he had something to show them. and he wanted to know if they would be home. my dad said they would and hung up the phone. after he hung up the phone my dad turned to my mom and said, 'i don't know who the fuck jeremy is but he's coming over.'

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