Friday, February 27, 2009

quote of the day

"we gots to go to big lots. they ain't got shit here."

spoken by a woman today. apparently, quite upset. i probably don't have to tell you she was talking to her five year old son. and i need not mention it was at wal-marts. this was right after i saw a woman make a barnyard turn with her cart nearly hitting mine. oblivious to anyone else in the store. i think her biggest concern at that moment was losing her cell phone she was talking on. in her cleavage. she was wearing a tank top. and shouldn't have been. with pajama bottoms and flip flops. yes, it is still winter here. in case you were wondering.


  1. what the heck is a "barnyard turn"???

  2. Total visual, it was like I was there seeing her in the tank top, the whole nine yards. You crack me up :)

  3. Rofl. Sorry you're experiencing this, but it makes great blog fodder.
