Monday, November 9, 2009

driving miss crazy, part tres

late this summer i drove to moho's house to drop off all of will's clothes. as i mentioned before i was more than happy to do so. she and her husband live on a lake near detroit. this is an important tidbit. i got to her house on saturday morning. we had planned to go to ikea and then after that was anyone's guess. that weekend also happened to be a weekend where her mom was in the area recovering from knee replacement surgery. and near where she was staying was also one of her sister's house. after ikea we went and visited moho's mom. it was great to see her again. i hadn't seen her since high school. she was doing fantastically well with her recovery. after we visited with her awhile it was off to moho's sister's house. she lives on a lake as well. a different one. we chatted and off we were again. on the way home moho mentioned we could take a boat ride. bonus. except for the part where she called her husband on the way home and asked how to get it started. you see, their pontoon boat was not available so that left the ski boat. she really hadn't had any experience starting and driving the ski boat. let us backup. first of all, i was scared to death to even be riding with her in a car in the first place. second of all, there was no way in hell i was getting in a boat with her driving. period. just as i started to laugh and tell her hell to the no at the thought of even taking the boat out she hangs up the phone. she says if that (asking her husband how to start the boat) doesn't get him home in a hurry i don't know what will. total relief. what happens next would only happen to moho. and i can't give you the whole story. but i will try. they have crazy neighbors. they call the cops on them. they call the fire department on them. for burning. burning a fire in the fireplace. burning a fire in their fire pit. they are totally legal. the neighbor says they have caused her emphysema. because i am sure they are the only ones in five years to burn wood in their neighborhood. so they have a fire in their fireplace every time it is the least bit cold. and they have a fire in their firepit at every moment possible. and let's face it. wouldn't we all. we got home from her sister's and moho was showing me some of her remodeling pictures. the doorbell rings. we were in no hurry to answer it. until we turned around and there was a firetruck at her driveway. needless to say moho was a little bit excited. the firemen said someone called about an illegal fire. well, this is funny. moho didn't even have a fire. in the fireplace. or fire pit. it was the neighbor on the other side of her. so, the firemen go out back and she starts to give a little background on the situation. and one of the firefighters says to her that she looks familiar. well, of course she does. because she is famous. or infamous. we aren't sure yet just which one. more on this later. the firemen determine that there is nothing illegal. they have her sign a waiver and off they go. with the police. over to the crazy neighbor. and hopefully tell her to knock it off or she is going to start to get charged for this nonsense. and you know what moho did. the minute they left she had the neighbor that was having a fire in their fire pit start one in hers. and then it was a night in canning pears. oh yeah. there's more to that story too.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the pears. Next time we will get it right. FYI, I do know how to drive the ski boat but I like to sound stupid sometimes because I don't like the redocking the boat on the lift. This is where I need Johns help.
