Wednesday, January 28, 2009

taking one for the team

i know i banned sam. and when i ban someone they are usually banned for months. in some cases years. north carolina caught the ultimate ban. forever. well, i had to make an exception. just this once. the super wal-mart is so close to our house. i can't ban it. plus, it's c-h-e-a-p. yes, my wooden shoes still clack when i see a good deal. even though we no longer reside in kent county. besides, i get a lot of my material from just pulling in to the parking lot. every time i go it's like hitting the blog lotto. so, my latest trip was no different. i found it quite appropriate that on the way there, jamming to the oldies, bachman turner overdrive came over the airwaves. with none other than you ain't seen nothin' yet. man, did they hit the nail on the head with that song...little did i know. as i rolled past the moon pies, i notice two clearance carts. one is filled with odds and ends and the other cart is filled with tinsel. to the brim. with christmas tree tinsel. who uses that? apparently, no one. because all of what they ordered was now in the ninety-five percent off cart. i further wandered down the aisle looking for the next item on my list and i noticed a couple of older ladies walking toward me. it looked like a daughter shopping with her elderly mother. i don't know why but i looked down at the elderly mother's hand and saw that she had a cigarette in her left hand. it was unlit. thankfully. but strange none the less. it made me wonder what was in her right hand. sure enough, a lighter. now, if they were leaving the store to go outside i might not have given this a second thought. but they were in the middle of the store. there is no doubt in my mind where they were going. to that cart. full of christmas tree tinsel.

1 comment:

  1. When we lived in SC, Wal-Mart was the *only* place to shop for personal care items so, of course, I had to go from time to time. People used to hang out there and socialize. Seriously. That was where they went on Friday and Saturday nights. Sad, but true. I couldn't wait to get in & out w/ my stuff, and go home.

    Shortly after we moved back from SC, we heard a story on the news that a young kid (5 or 6 years old) had climbed INSIDE one of those arcade machines with the big claw -- at a WAL-MART in SOUTH CAROLINA!!! It seems he didn't get a stuffed animal when he tried to play the game, so he crawled up the chute and got into the machine to get one. No doubt, his mamma was socializing with her girlfriends that afternoon and missed the whole show.

    THAT is just one more reason why I won't shop there. Banned. For. Life.
