Monday, December 29, 2008

who's on first

ever since my dad retired a few years back tv watching at my parent's house has become an irritant. my mom has also retired but i don't think she has sat down since. my dad, however, watches tv. a lot. and it's not that he watches tv it's just what he watches. lifetime. if he remembers it's eleven o'clock he will turn it to the price is right. he also doesn't like commercials. he also has control of the clicker. it's no wonder we all have adhd. just when your brain gives in and gets sucked into one of those lifetime movies, which all have the same plot with different actors, the channel changes. we were reminded of this on our recent visit for christmas. so, it's no wonder that when my husband and i have a project to do my mom shuffles him down to our house to get him moving. my dad is a great carpenter and we appreciate all of his hard work. the last time he came down he wanted to go to that mexican place with the good chips and salsa. well, there are lots of mexican restaurants so i wasn't sure which one he meant. he said you know it starts with a c - the one that jeff cederna kid works at. i said chi chi's (which is no longer in business) because the last time i saw jeff that is where he was working. no, not chi chi's my dad said. i started to name every mexican restaurant in town including la senorita back from my college days in a different city. nope. finally out of pure desperation, i asked him where the restaurant was located. he said there was one in front of home depot by the airport and another one across from arnie's. i said chili's. yeah, that's it, chili's my dad says. well, chili's is not a mexican restaurant and jeff cederna never worked there that i am aware. this conversation took fifteen minutes mind you. now, when my dad comes down for a visit we all know where we are going to eat. the mexican restaurant that isn't mexican and where jeff cederna never worked. thank you to jeff cederna who unknowingly participates in our family joke. by the way, jeff currently works for labelle management at bennigan's. that italian restaurant...

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