Tuesday, February 24, 2009

enough is enough

maybe it's the state of the economy. maybe it's because people are out of jobs. maybe it's because some people are getting bailed out. while others have to continue to struggle because they pay their bills. maybe it's because i am still sick. after two months and counting. and now have hives. maybe it's because our mcdonald's can't produce a filet-o-fish now for over a month and half due to a broken broiler. whatever it is i am extremely agitated these days. and then i see on the news today that sarah palin had to pay back airfare for trips taken by her children during her campaign. well isn't that something. i am not a feminist. far from it. i am fair. what would happen if every governor were forced to pay back the personal things they pilfered from taxpayers? well, i think i just solved how we are going to get out of this crisis called our national debt.

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