Sunday, October 4, 2009

on the road. again. and again.

so, we just got back a couple of weeks ago from ohio. we had a great visit with my husband's aunt and uncle. it was the first time we had taken the kids on an overnight trip that wasn't to gran and grumpa's house. they did very well. so well we decided to take them on another trip. to mr. wilson's reel suite. this is how the trip started. we get driving down the road. for about a minute. will wants a video. since it's about a three hour trip he knows he is allowed to watch one. or fifty. when we take long trips i make my husband ride. he has longer arms. and he doesn't get carsick. you know, for when the kids drop stuff. 6,492 times. on the 6,493rd time my husband catches on and decides they are doing it on purpose. anyway, will decides he wants to watch thomas. shocker. so, my husband gets out thomas. and here is the conversation that took place (i need not remind you that will is 2 1/2 and my husband is well, old enough to know better):

will: i wanna watch thomas.
husband: you wanna watch thomas?
will: yesssss.
husband: ok. (pulling out a dvd)
will: i don't like the tank engine. (we have two dvds of thomas and he only likes one)
husband: you said you wanted thomas.
will: i don't like the tank engine.
husband: you said you wanted thomas. (continuing to put in the dvd that he said he didn't want to watch)

note: for some reason the thomas dvds are not easy to get to the actual story. you have to keep selecting from a menu that leads to another menu and well you get the picture. and it doesn't make it any easier in the car.

will: (almost in tears, kicking his feet and saying it louder) i don't like the tank engine.
husband: (tension mounting after twelve minutes of pushing select and finally getting to the actual story) there.

another note: i am patiently saying nothing trying not to over parent my husband's decision to put the dvd in that our child has repeatedly told him he didn't want to watch.

will: (yelling) i do not like the tank engine!
husband: what are you an effing film critic? (except he didn't say effing. he said fucking.)
husband: (ejecting the dvd hastily) fine. you want the other one?
will: yes, please.
me: he told you he didn't want to watch the tank engine before you even put it in.

Needless to say, we came home a day earlier than scheduled.

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