Wednesday, October 28, 2009


this summer i had a garage sale. i had a ton leftover. apparently, no one wanted beautiful clean clothes for fifty cents a piece. or any toys that were marked mostly a quarter. but it's a good thing. moho is having her first baby. and it's a boy. and due in december. just like will. i was more than ecstatic to hand over will's clothes to moho rather than to drop them off at our goodwill store that is so disgusting i refuse to go in it any longer. anyway, since i had a bunch of sophie's clothes left and toys i decided to list them on craig's list. i have had great success using this service in the past. and it's free. so, i get an email friday night regarding the toy portion of the ad. this lady says she is poor and barely has any toys for her six month old daughter. she wanted to know what i had to offer. i told her. then she wanted a picture. i did happen to have one from the garage sale ad i placed so i sent her the picture. she then asked if i still had all the toys in the photo. i told her yes. because i hadn't hardly sold any. i will note that the dollar amount of these toys was probably well over $250. easy. she then writes and asks how much for all of the toys. now, she said she was poor. and now she is asking how much for all of them. i didn't give in to the fact she may or may not be poor. she has internet for crying out loud. she can't be that poor. i wanted them out of my garage. i didn't want to give them to the awful goodwill. and she wants them all. i tell her $25 for all. she asks if i will take $20. i said no thinking i was giving them away at $25. she decides she will take them. duh. and pick them up saturday. since my garage sale this summer i have had them stored in brand new plastic tubs in the garage. the morning before she came and picked them up i placed all of the toys in those huge black contractor size garbage bags. two of them. plus, an extra little box. she came to pick them all up. and everything was fine. until i got an email from her the next day. she told me that all of the toys smelled like cigarette smoke. she tried to wash the fabric toys but they still smelled. so she threw them all away. yes, you read that correctly ladies and gentlemen. she threw them all away. i about died. and cried. they were all beautiful soft toys, books and rattles. i then told her that as my ad stated we are a smoke-free home and they could not possibly smell like smoke. she then wrote to say i shouldn't have stored them in the basement because they now smell like mildew. i explained to her that the smell may have been from the new plastic tubs i had them stored in since the garage sale this summer in the garage. and they should be fine once they were washed or aired out. nice try. she also couldn't believe i would endanger her child with such filth because they were also dirty. and that she just wasted her money because she wouldn't feel right even giving these toys to someone else. i was wondering if the toys smelled worse than the van i helped her load them into smelled. it's not like she pulled up to a crack house to buy these items. i can assure you the toys were not dirty. and they certainly did not have mildew on them. there is no chance. and she thinks she wasted her money. even if she kept the plastic toys i gave her those were well worth the $25. there was at least $200 worth of plastic toys. at least. i haven't heard from her again since her last attempt at the mildew fabrication. yet. i had a gut feeling about this person when i read her initial email. kind of like the same gut feeling i had about this house we bought before we signed on the dotted line. i swore next time i had that feeling i would run the other way. and fast. i wish i would listen to myself.


  1. Some people just arn't happy unless they make someone else miserable......
    Sorry about the crack pot!!

    I wouldn't have said a word just bad mouthed you to all my friends ;-)

  2. Hey, does it count that I am very greatful for the cloths and other stuff you donated. As for the other poor SOB to hell with her.
