Wednesday, December 30, 2009

get in line

the other day at wal-marts i was grocery shopping. and needed some laundry detergent. i can only get certain kinds of detergent. usually the one with no odor. or fragrance as they like to market it. i beg to differ. most give me an instant headache. kind of like that unscented dryer sheet i used the other day. i am half way through the box of these unscented dryer sheets. and i pull out a load from the dryer last week and instant headache. now, unscented dryer sheets don't have a smell. or so i thought. and especially when you are already half way done with the box. whatever. i had to wash the load again. anyway, so i decide to buy tide. not because it is three times as expensive as the other brands but because i know the regular scent does not affect my head. and it seems that the stink free versions just aren't getting our clothes the cleanest. and i need to find something that does. well good luck finding it. i counted twenty-six different kinds of tide. twenty-six. there is regular. mountain scent. lavender. and so on. then there is the kind with fabric softener. and it's not just one fabric softener. there are about three different scents of fabric softeners to chose from. and then you can get one for your high efficiency model washers. and all of those come in the above mentioned choices. who runs tide? general motors? i see another bail out coming.

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