Saturday, December 12, 2009

on the twelfth day of christmas

a few years back my mom started this thing she read in a magazine. called the twelve days of christmas. she does this now instead of stockings. you know, since her kids are now 37. and 41. the deal is that she buys twelve little gifts and wraps them individually. and on the 13th of december you start by opening one gift. and then open one gift per day until christmas. she does this for me. my sister. and my husband. it's not my sister's husband's kind of thing. so he doesn't get any. she also does this for my two nieces. but she calls it the twelve days of summer. because she does it for them when they visit her for a few weeks on their summer break. last year i started to do it for my mom. it's kind of fun to find the items. and of course, they are most always from a garage sale [aftermarket as we like to say], estate sales and even a few csd [curbside discounts for those who don't remember]. however, none of mine that i gift are csd. because i have not gone there in my lifetime. yet. one time my mom hurt her knee on a csd. trying to get it into the car. i'm glad she did though. it's one of my most favorite trunks. and i needed another one my husband will be quick to point out. anyway, we always leave the price tag on the stuff. just to show each other who got the best screaming deal. love it. today will be our first day to open a gift this year. since we are leaving town on the 24th we get to start a day early. no yunk. no yunk. all good snuff.


  1. That is one of the coolest ideas! I'm so going to file that away for next year!

  2. Hannah, it's a total blast! If you have little kids dollar stores would be perfect but we just have the best time. And every day we email or call with what the stash was that day:]
