Wednesday, May 20, 2009

super size

yeah. i am fat. but just because i am fat doesn't mean that i don't care what i look like. or what i wear. i am in shape. the shape of a square. and it's hard to get clothes to fit a square. my favorite online store has shirts i can still get on. i am not saying they fit. i can only say i can get them on my body. but when i click the button for my size the colors diminish. right before my eyes. it goes from a bountiful mix of colors to about seven. and it's always these seven. white. black. navy. brown. salmon. lemon. melon. the dark is fine. for winter. but what makes these people think we want to look like a fruit salad in the spring and summer is beyond me. and that people actually look good in these colors. it's probably the same people that came up with the three-quarter length sleeve. keep sewing people. no one likes them.


  1. Spongebob does ok with his cloths.

  2. if only i lived in a pineapple. under the sea.
