Wednesday, May 13, 2009

things that go bump in the night again

if you recall we had a chupacabra back at our old house. or so i thought. until i discovered months later it was really one of those tractor lawn sprinklers in our neighbor's yard. well, the chupacabra has struck. again. now i know it is not a tractor sprinkler that needs to be greased this time. and of course my husband is never around when it, or they, are lurking. a few weeks ago i was minding my own business in the wee hours of the morning. i started to hear this sound. i could not place the sound. but it was moving. and moving closer to the house. at a rapid pace. there must have been thousands of them. it sounded like a dove. but then it sounded like a turkey. and i couldn't look out the window. because i was frozen with fear number one. and also because it was dark out. whatever it was it went away. and fast. i attempted to make the sound for my husband. he just looked at me. like he always does. i hadn't been under attack for quite some time until the other day. it woke me out of a dead sleep. there was only one this time. and it was on a saturday. score. for sure my husband would wake to sound of a lurking chupacabra. nope. sound asleep. until next time, chupacabra.

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