Saturday, January 3, 2009

hit list

yesterday reminded me that there are a handful of people in this world that i could punch right in the face. no questions asked. meat counter lady as you would have already guessed. the wife of an old boss. i would have to punch her a couple of times though. she wore so much makeup i wouldn't reach her actual face with the first hit. the sister-in-law of a friend. i have never even met her but the things she does puts her on my list. until yesterday that was it. old boyfriends are not on the list. because even after all of the heartaches i won in the end. it would be a waste of my time. so they don't make the cut. plus, two of them are cops. as i walked into the secretary of state yesterday afternoon a feeling came over me that someone else was going to be added to the list. i hadn't even walked completely through the door and someone had made the list already. usually, when walking into a building and there are two doors you would walk in through the right door and out through the left door. not in niles. although clearly marked on the outside and inside of both glass doors read 'in' and 'out'. actually 'inni' and 'outtuo' being glass. anyway, as i was walking correctly through the 'inni' door a lady that was leaving said 'people can't even walk through the right door.' already nerved up from just thinking about having to go to the secretary of state i quickly snapped 'it says in (all you got to do is looook).' i felt a little better after i mentioned that fact to the nice lady. as i waited in line i became more irritated. not with illiterate lady but with the entire setup. as we are constantly reminded of our state's economy i am looking around and thinking i could save this state a billion dollars just with this one branch of government. there were eleven security cameras. eleven. there were two phillips 42" lcd televisions. they were on a feed about michigan tourism. oh, but you couldn't hear them. there was music piped in on the overhead speakers. plus, who cares? we live here. and best of all a security guard. security guard you ask? me too. the only thing i saw him do in the hour that we were there was take a cup of coffee away from someone and sit and talk to his buddy while two people in wheelchairs were trying to leave through the 'outtuo' door. that's right. the office wasn't even equipped with handicap accessible doors. so, you're on the list too terri lynn land. shame on you.

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