Saturday, March 21, 2009

brown belt, brown belt what do you see?

earlier this week my husband went out of town. for two days. two. long. days. he got back very late thursday night. i had been sleeping nicely in our bed. until he came home. and started snoring. then i was sleeping nicely on the couch. i was even dreaming. i can't remember the last time i had a dream. as i was getting into my new hybrid with suicide doors from playing a softball game in the dark on the beach i opened my eyes to my husband standing in front of me. he was asking me where i put his brown belt. number one i didn't wear his brown belt so i wouldn't know where it is at. and number two so why was he waking me up asking me is what i was thinking. so i get up to help him look for it and he is tired. and in a bad mood. and still can't find his belt. now i am tired. and in a bad mood. and can't find his belt. i told him he would just have to wear his black belt. so when he gets home from work i noticed he had on a brown belt. i asked him if he found it. he said no. he just flipped his black one over to brown. just a thought but why didn't he think of that before he woke me up?

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