Wednesday, November 25, 2009

par for the course

you all know by now my dad can't hear. and some times what he actually does hear is more funny than what was actually said in the first place. if i remember correctly, on most nights growing up, i would have a joke or funny story to tell at the dinner table. and it was usually so funny i could barely get the words out of my mouth. because i was laughing so hard. i could hardly tell it. this particular night i told a joke that looking back i don't think i truly understood. not in seventh grade. and now that i think about it wrong on so. many. levels. but thought it was darn funny at the time. funny enough to tell at the dinner table. it was about this gay guy that walked into a bar. and the bartender told him he wouldn't serve his kind. so after a few minutes of begging the bartender finally lets him in but makes him sit over in the corner. the next thing you know a couple of cowboys waltz in and say they are so thirsty they could lick the sweat off of a cow's balls. and the guy in the corner said moo, moo, buck-a-roo. after finally delivering the punchline we all broke out into hysterics. and a few minutes later when the laughing stopped and the tears were wiped from our faces my dad asked, 'golf balls?' and then the laughter started again. now every time we didn't hear something or someone delivers a punchline we always ask, 'golf balls?'

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