Saturday, November 28, 2009

some assembly required

last tuesday my parents came for a visit. they were here early for thanksgiving. and to celebrate will's birthday. normally they don't come that early. but they had to this year. their ceiling is falling. like the drywall. in their dining room and family room. so, they had to move their furniture and the like out. every. single. thing. in case the drywall crashes to the floor. we are all thankful that didn't happen. while my dad was sitting there. glued to a lifetime movie. while my parents were able to watch the kids i was totally taking advantage. i wrapped all of the christmas gifts. even stuffed the kids' stockings. now, for the normal person there would be no issue. but it's me. and there was an issue. i bought sophie three sets of mini meals made by fisher price. they are little plastic meals that include sandwiches, pizza, fruit and most of them have interactive parts. they are way clever. and i was totally excited about them. i decided to take them all out of their boxes and place them in her stocking individually. as i was putting the single items in i felt that my hand was wet. yes. wet. i immediately looked up. and was wondering what else could be leaking. nothing. so, i put my hand in it again. not only was my hand wet but the stocking was wet too. i felt the counter. it was not wet. i stuck my hand back in the stocking and started to pull out all of the items. and there it was. the tomato. i shook it. and sure enough. what looked like water came out. i took them straight from the shipping box. removed the items from their taped boxes. and placed them into the stocking. how in the eff could water get in it. i noted to myself that the liquid did not smell. i noted to myself the liquid did not burn my skin. i shook the tomato again. like i didn't believe myself. it was indeed full of water. full. i thought maybe they used water in their die stamping and it was just left in there by mistake. but still weird. and none of the packaging was wet. i took the receipt and called fisher price. the lady told me there shouldn't be any water in it. oh. really? she told me it must have been submerged in water. oh. really? i explained to her that i had just gotten them. the boxes were taped. no one touched them. except me. when i put them in the stocking. she told me she was sorry. but there shouldn't be any water in it. i didn't know fisher price was located in northern indiana. i was totally unsatisfied with the conversation. she did not ask me my name. she did not ask me for my phone number. she did not ask me where i bought them. she did not ask my for the upc code. she did not ask me when i received them. she did not suggest to call toys r us where i purchased them. which is what i plan on doing next. she should be fired. i can only assume someone used this item. and sent it back. and it got shipped back out. to me. i swear every broken, missing part or deffective thing is sitting in a big freaking bin somewhere. with my address on it. ready for me to place the order. because the next thing you know my mom and i are at the grocery store. we are looking at butter. i grab one tub. and then put it back. because i thought i saw one cheaper. but i didn't. so i picked up another tub of the original brand i chose. and it was really light. because it was half empty. yes. half empty, folks. like someone used it. and put it back on the shelf. i couldn't believe it. so, i took the plastic top off. and i found a sealed and unopened plastic lining. now how does that happen? and more importantly how do i always find it. i kept it in my cart. and gave it to an employee. so someone didn't realize it wasn't full and get home to discover 'i can't believe it's not there.' after we checked out. i went straight home. if there was ever a day i felt i would be hit by lightening it was that day.

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