Thursday, January 7, 2010

epic fail

maybe it's because i have a two year old. maybe it's because i have a three year old. at the same time. maybe it's because we moved to the middle of nowhere. maybe it's because i don't work any longer. maybe it's because our brand new house has had so many problems. ridiculous problems. maybe it's because my husband is stressed. and tired. maybe it's because i am rarely showered. maybe it's because my house is a disaster. all. the. time. i have lost all control. my kids won't listen to me. they have turned into brats. sassy brats. overnight. and the only thing i did have control over were my crops. in farmville. on facebook. and yesterday for whatever reason farmville was not working. and i didn't even have control over that.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, poor Lori! If I hadn't had to quite FarmVille cold turkey this past week I would know exactly how you feel. Instead, Christmas decorations demanded my attention as did a DISASTER of an office. Maybe next week when my life is back under control. hmmmm. control. What's that again?
