Saturday, January 2, 2010

room service

the other day i get the bright idea to move the living room furniture around. i get sick of looking at it. day in. and day out. since the room is so open there really isn't any other way to put it. except the way we already have it. but i wanted to try it. it didn't work. it's back to the way it was. boring. but it did remind me of something when i was moving the furniture. and dusting behind it. this is disgusting. and kind of funny all at the same time. funny only because i just can't believe it kind of funny. and my husband is going to kill me. but i don't care. he did it. at our old house i was cleaning one night. and i was really getting into it. so into it i was moved to pull the couch out. and actually vacuum behind it. upon doing so i got the wand out on the vacuum and started by the baseboard. all of a sudden i heard this weird noise. like i was picking up needles. or something. i quick turned the vacuum off and looked. and there before my eyes was a pile of nails. yeah. nails. fingernails. chewed off thrown behind the couch fingernails. a big pile. and when i say pile i mean the kind that is mounded. i. was. furious. i mean, really. first of all, who does that? and second of all, did he think the chewed off fingernail fairy was going to come and magically remove them? i understand that a stray piece of nail may be found as that sometimes happens when you are using nail clippers. but he chews his off. so he knows exactly where they went. oh yeah. and the couch in the basement had a chewed off fingernail fairy that was sent for but never arrived too. since then i now just find them at random. even in his car. at least there weren't any behind the couch. this time.

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