Saturday, January 16, 2010

what she said

i used to have a memory like a steal trap. they say after childbirth you lose your mind. litterally. i now say i have given birth to my memory. twice. and it shows. i can't even remember which kid i am talking to these days. or yelling. my mom used to call my sister by my name. and me by my sister's name. all the time. and we used to tease her about it. of course. well, it's my turn. i even throw my husband's name in there too. on occassion. and when we had the dog, oh yeah, him too. the other day was no different. when i say sophie and mean will. or when i say will and i mean sophie. i usually continue with the phrase or whatever your name is. i think will has caught on.

me [talking to sophie]: will, your cup is on your little table. i mean sophie.

will: or whatever your name is.

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