Sunday, January 3, 2010

never ending

last night, as i was doing laundry, i heard my husband yell for me to bring him a band-aid. now, the kids were driving us crazy. all. day. long. slamming their doors during their slamming the door game. which we have banned. but for some reason they don't think we are serious. nor have they stopped. so i thought for sure someone finally got their finger pinched. or broken. to which i would have told either one of them not to come crying to me. but i didn't hear any screaming. and the band-aid was for my husband anyway. probably chewed off a fingernail to deep. let me back up. when he called for the band-aid i was in the laundry room. perfect. the band-aids are right above the washer and dryer. in a cupboard. in a bin. with all of the other bandage supplies. except for when your husband uses the band-aids last. and leaves them in your bathroom. on the counter. this infuriates me. to no end. it's bad enough the kids don't put things back where they belong. and now my husband can't seem to do it either. it's not new. but this is one of my favorites. my mom's too. and probably everyone else's that's reading this. that's married. to a man. because it's the same with everything else. my husband gets mad that i organize the garage. and actually put tools away. and then he gets mad at me. when he can't find something. well, i really wasn't the last person to use the drill. or any one of the 1,749,208 screwdrivers that we own. had he put them back where he freaking got them it wouldn't be an issue.

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